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  • Registrant : 那珂市
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/09/14
  • Published : 2023/09/14
  • Changed :2023/09/14
  • Total View : 333 persons
2023/10/1 - 2023/12/31 / 那珂市 / Sports

Digital stamp rally "Cycling from the station" by bicycle

As part of the efforts to utilize bicycles, a digital stamp rally will be held in cooperation with JR East Mito Branch Office, in which cyclists will visit restaurants and tourist spots in the city from Kamisugaya Station.

This is a cycling course where you can enjoy delicious food while experiencing the history and nature of Naka City.

This is a relatively easy course with few ups and downs so that even beginners can enjoy a casual stroll on a bicycle.

A large portion of the course is used for the Half Century Ibaraki Cycling Tournament, which is held annually at NakaluckyFM Park.

Why not take this opportunity to enjoy cycling in Naka City?

Address 那珂市
Date 2023/10/1 - 2023/12/31
Time detail
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Vivinavi - Events

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